問 1 |
Based on the presentation, choose the best answer for each question.
What are three words that you should use when speaking polite English?
問 2 |
Name three things that are very important when speaking natural English: |
問 3 |
If someone speaks to you in English and you don’t understand them, what
should you say?
問 4 |
In a drugstore, what is natural English for いらっしゃいませ? |
問 5 |
What is Gaster 10? |
問 6 |
When asking a patient about their pain, what should you use? |
問 7 |
What is a polite way to say 下痢をしています? |
問 8 |
What are three ways to say お大事にどうぞin English? |
問 9 |
What is important when you speak natural English? |
問 10 |
How do you say お通じありますか in natural English? |
問 11 |
Bonus Question:
What is the medicine that Mr. Skier never wants to take again? |
問 12 |
What are two ways to say 1,000 円です? |
問 13 |
What is the most natural pharmacy English for medications? |
問 14 |
What is another way to say, “May I pay with a credit card?” |
問 15 |
What is a polite way to say どのようなことでしょうか? |
問 16 |
When giving someone bad news, what English words should you use? |
問 17 |
How do we say お電話番号を教えていただきますか in English? |
問 18 |
Are sunburn and suntan the same thing? |
問 19 |
How do we say ほかに何か症状がありますかin English? |
問 20 |
How do we say 効き目はありましたかin English? |
問 21 |
When someone is looking for something in your drugstore, what English should
you use in particular? |