
100 点満点 ( 合格点 設定なし )


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問 1 Based on the presentation, choose the best answer for each question.
What are three words that you should use when speaking polite English?
A. Please, thank you, and good-bye.
B. Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.
C. Please, thank you, and excuse me.
D. Yes, no, and maybe.
問 2 Name three things that are very important when speaking natural English:
A. Punctuation (breathing), intonation, and grammar.
B. Pronunciation, intonation, and speed.
C. Gestures, grammar, and vocabulary.
D. Punctuation (breathing), intonation, and speed.
問 3 If someone speaks to you in English and you don’t understand them, what should you say?
A. Eh?!
B. Bless you!
C. Yes.
D. Excuse me, could you repeat that?
問 4 In a drugstore, what is natural English for いらっしゃいませ?
A. Hello.
B. May I help you?
C. What do you want?
D. Welcome to my home.
問 5 What is Gaster 10?
A. It is a third category medicine.
B. It is a first category medicine.
C. It is a prescription medicine.
D. It is a second category medicine.
問 6 When asking a patient about their pain, what should you use?
A. You should use a questionnaire.
B. You should ask them many questions in Japanese.
C. You should use a yes/no question.
D. You should use a pain chart.
問 7 What is a polite way to say 下痢をしています?
A. I have diarrhea.
B. I have a cold.
C. I have to run.
D. I have the runs.
問 8 What are three ways to say お大事にどうぞin English?
A. Please take care, please go home, and get well soon.
B. Please take care, get well soon, and I hope you get sick soon.
C. Get well soon, please take care, and I hope you get well soon.
D. I hope you get well soon, have a nice day, and go home soon.
問 9 What is important when you speak natural English?
A. Gestures.
B. Grammar.
C. Vocabulary.
D. Pronunciation.
問 10 How do you say お通じありますか in natural English?
A. Have you been regular recently?
B. Are you a regular person?
C. What is your regular schedule?
D. How are you feeling?
問 11 Bonus Question:
What is the medicine that Mr. Skier never wants to take again?
A. It is Gatorade.
B. It is Pepto-bismol
C. It is Gaster 10
D. It is Koraku.
問 12 What are two ways to say 1,000 円です?
A. It was 1,000 yen. It will be 1,000 yen.
B. It can be 1,000 yen. It was 1,000 yen.
C. It is 1,000 yen. It will be 1,000 yen.
D. It has to be 1,000 yen. It will be 1,000 yen.
問 13 What is the most natural pharmacy English for medications?
A. Drug.
B. Medicine.
C. Med.
D. Meds.
問 14 What is another way to say, “May I pay with a credit card?”
A. Do you accept cash?
B. Do you accept plastic?
C. Do you accept money?
D. Do you accept credit cards?
問 15 What is a polite way to say どのようなことでしょうか?
A. How may I help you?
B. What can I get you?
C. Where do you want to go?
D. What are you looking for?
問 16 When giving someone bad news, what English words should you use?
A. Excuse me, but….
B. I have good news….
C. I’m sorry, but….
D. How may I help you?
問 17 How do we say お電話番号を教えていただきますか in English?
A. Please give me your address.
B. Please tell me your name and phone number.
C. May I have your name?
D. May I have your phone number?
問 18 Are sunburn and suntan the same thing?
A. Yes, they are.
B. No, they aren’t.
問 19 How do we say ほかに何か症状がありますかin English?
A. Do you have any questions?
B. Do you have any other illness?
C. Do you have any other symptoms?
D. Do you have an other symptom?
問 20 How do we say 効き目はありましたかin English?
A. Do you work?
B. Does it work?
C. Did it work?
D. Do they work?
問 21 When someone is looking for something in your drugstore, what English should you use in particular?
A. Here, follow me.
B. Go away.
C. Come here.
D. Go over there.

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